edition 2023

We did it! The first edition of ADN BUSINESS SERVICES ACADEMY 2023  is behind us!

The project was created in cooperation with market experts – leaders of business service centers and many people involved. Especially thanks to the support, commitment and ideas of the members of the PROGRAM BOARD.

ADN BUSINESS SERVICES ACADEMY 2023 it’s not just a conference, it’s more than that!

We have created a place where you can not only get inspired by other leaders, listen to their stories and learn about their experiences. It’s a platform where you can actively participate in many thematic sessions, talk about failures of leadership or process implementation, the course of transformation and much more.

The initiative undertaken by ADN AKADEMIA aims to create a new environment for exchanging of knowledge, experience and best practices for professionals from various industries,
serving the purpose of discussing proven strategies and everyday challenges faced by the LEADERS from the Business Services Sector. This year edition we focused on the most important areas of


150 attendees, 50 speakers – leaders of various business services centers,
43 topics covered, 3 thematic sessions, 15 workshops.


Find out what the leaders talked about, what tips they gave to other leaders during the Academy – contact us

Becoming a leader is a path, it’s a continuous development
– no matter whether you’ve been on that path for a long time or have just entered it.

Stay in touch – the next edition is coming soon!

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